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Paradise School of the Spirit

Learning and Growing with the Spirit of God

Pastor Mark Heckman and others

The Paradise School of the Spirit is designed to help us learn to hear God's voice and to follow Him in our everyday life. Living in sync with the Holy Spirit is the key to an abundance in every aspect of life, and each class is designed to help anyone -- a new follower of Jesus, or one who has been a Christian for many years -- grow and mature in their relationship with the Lord. 

Prayers that Heal the Heart (Mark Virkler) will be offered every Tuesday evening at 6:30, beginning February 4, 2025.  Learn how you can experience complete healing of the wounds in your heart by applying specific prayers to break generational sin, curses, soul ties, and vows, and to replace them with God's purposes and promises for you as you break strongholds that connected itself to these inner wounds.  There is an end to the pain!  Please call the church office at 724-887-6148 to register.  $20 (for the book and workbook) will be collected at the beginning of the course.

Through the Bible will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM, beginning January 8, 2025. This winter/spring, we will be focusing on the book of Revelation with a video series set on location in the Middle East. The goal of the study is to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit when reading the Bible. There's no better way to learn about a book than to study with the Author!  No registration is required. All are welcome to join us for the exciting, free, event.

Power to Heal: Keys to Activating God's Healing Power in Your Life (Randy Clark), will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM, beginning January 5, 2025. This 16-week study teaches a theology of healing by establishing a biblical framework and prayer model to build the faith to see God perform the miracles and supernatural healings like they saw in the Bible times.  This study will change your life and your walk with the Lord. Please call the church office at 724-887-6148 to register. The $16 fee (for the book) will be collected at the beginning of the course.

The Paradise Healing Rooms are open at 9 AM and Noon following each worship service on Sunday mornings. As an off-shoot of the Power to Heal course, current School of the Spirit students, veterans of the school, and the Paradise Prayer Team will be available to pray for individuals who need a physical, emotional, spiritual, or relational touch from God. Check back here often for updated information.  If you're in immediate need of prayer, don't wait for the rooms to open. Please call the church office at 724-887-6148 to schedule a time with the team. We'd love to pray with you.