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- "Eclipse of the Heart"
- "Return to Eden: The One and Only"
- "Return to Eden: Garments of White"
- "Testing 1,2,3....Can You Hear Me?"
- "Being One of The Wise Guys"
- "Ending Well, Starting off Right"
- "Person of Interest: The Shepherds"
- "Person of Interest: Joseph, The Obedient"
- "Person of Interest: Mary, the Favored One"
- "Person of Interest: John the Baptizer"
- Persons of Interest: Balaam, The Diviner
- "Thanksgiving Evening Worship"
- "Exodus Through Red Letters: Giving Thanks, Even when its Hard"
- "Exodus Through Red Letters: Where are you Looking"
- "Preparing for the Promise - Exodus Through Red Letters"
- "Pharoah at the Ballet Box"
- "2nd Annual Business Meeting"
- "Suddenly"
- "Exodus Through Red Letters: May I have Your Attention, please!"
- "Missed Opportunities"
- "Exodus Through Red Letters: Outside Your Comfort Zone"
- "Does Your New Birthmark Show?: Exodus Through Red Letters"
- Live Stream
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XVI Joesph - Cry me a river a.k.a. reunited and it feels so good"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XV - Benjamin :"Family Ties
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XIIII - Don't just stand there, go get it!"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XIII - Pharoh's Dreams: Are You Ready for the "
- "Baptism: Identifying with the Greatest Act of Human History"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XII - Joseph, the cup bearer, and the baker: passing the test"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part XI - Joseph: Landing in Enemy Territory"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part X - Judah: Chlorine in the Family Pool"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part IX - Joseph: Dreams, Division, and Deception"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part VIII - Joseph: Showing Your True Colors"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part VII - Jacob's Wrestling with God"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part VI - Jacob's Dream"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part V - Jacob and Esau: Feed Me Now!"
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part IV - ISAAC - Digging Wells"
- Live Stream
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part 3: Abraham: Passing the Test"
- Live Stream
- "Who needs the Bible anyway?!: Part 1 - NOAH: Locked and Loaded"
- "Spirit filled: Have you received the promise?'
- "Mom: The Influencer"
- "Obedience: God's return on investment"
- "Chosen"
- "God's kind of Love: Not for Sale
- God's Kind of Love: Unconditional Love
- "God's kind of Love: Burning Love"
- "Christ in you: Victory over Death"
- "Christ in you: Victory over Trouble"
- "Christ in You: Victory over your Adversaries"
- "Christ in you: Victory in Prosperity"
- "Christ in you: Victory over Temptation and Sin"
- "Christ in you: Victory of your Feelings"
- Testing
- "Forgiveness, Wiping the slate clean"
- "Christ in you: Victory over Fear"
- "To Know Him"
- "How do you fight your battles?"
- How Do You Fight Your Battles?
- The Father's Blessing
- Live Stream
- "Growing Pains"
- "The Power in and on you"
- "Disrupting the Status Quo"
- "Angels Among Us - A Season of Shift"
- "Angels Among Us: Course Correction"
- "Angels Among Us - The Shepards"
- "Angels Among Us - Joseph: The Posture of the Heart II"
- "Angels Among Us: The Posture of your Heart"
- "Angels Among Us: Zechariah and Elizabeth
- "Becoming more like Him"
- "Trusting God in a Storm"
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight-VI"
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight-V"
- 2023 Members Annual Business Meeting
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight-IV"
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight-III"
- "A New Season"
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight-II"
- "Kingdom Secrets: Hidden in plain sight"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- SELF-CONTROL"
- "Two into One: Who comes first?"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- GENTLENESS"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- FAITHFULNESS"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- GOODNESS"
- "God majors in new beginnings"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- KINDNESS'
- Live Stream
- "Fruit Salad- Flavors of the Spirit"
- "The Word"
- "Fruit Salad - Flavors of the Spirit -- JOY
- "Fruit salad- flavors of the Spirit- LOVE"
- God's Glory Revealed
- "God Bless America but is our faith strong enough to bless God?"
- "Overcoming Fear"
- "Identity Theft Protection: Don't let the enemy steal who Jesus says you are: SEALED'"
- "Identity Theft Protection: Don't let the enemy steal who Jesus says you are: REDEEMED!!"
- "A Holy Spirit Encounter - Filled with the Holy Spirit"
- "Jesus Encounters- You will receive power"
- "Mothers of Purpose"
- "Jesus encounters - Do you love me?"
- "Jesus Encounters - I'll believe it when I see it"
- "Jesus Encounters- Receive the Holy Spirit"
- "Jesus Encounters- Your Own Emmaus Road Experience"
- "He has Risen!, Why do you seek the living among the dead?"
- "Hosanna! Where are you in the Celebration?"
- Message
- "How do I Know I'm going to heaven?"
- "How do I Judge?"
- "How do I know what a Revival look like?"
- "How do I know God's will for my life: Donkey or Identity?"
- "How do I Pray more effectively?"
- "How do I Share My Faith?'
- "How do I grow closer to God?"
- "Running from Him or to Him?"
- How di I Trust God when things are tough?
- How do I Stop Sinning?
- "How Do I Worship?"
- "Emmanuel- God with Us"
- Preparing for the Messiah: He shall be everlasting Father
- "Preparing for the Messiah- He shall be called Counselor''
- "Preparing for the Messiah: He shall be called Wonderful"
- "Missions and Thanksgiving pass it on"
- "Preparing for the coming Revival"
- "Our Five Membership Vows"
- Spiritual Gifts: Vocal Gifts
- "Spiritual Gifts: How is God using you?-The Power Gifts"
- "Spiritual Gifts 2 - Revelation Gifts"
- "Acts of the Holy Spirit": The Spirit of Revelation and Fire"
- "Acts of the Holy Spirit": The Spirit of the Unexpected
- "Acts of the Holy Spirit": The Spirit of Freedom
- Acts of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Signs and Wonders
- "Acts of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Encouragement
- Acts of the Holy Spirit 5
- Acts of the Holy Spirit 4
- Live Stream
- Acts of the Holy Spirit 2
- "What are We Missing"
- "Do You Know Jesus"
- "Family Legacy"
- "God and Country"
- "God Power"
- "From Gay to Clay"
- "God's Amazing Love For Us"
- "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength"
- "Trusting God in the Storm"
- "Why did you come TODAY?"
- "Moving Forward"
- "Which Direction Will You Folow?"
- "Gods Redemption"
- test
- test
- "Spiritual Freedom"
- "Living a Victorious Christian Life"
- "You Will Reap What You Sow"
- "Love in Action"
- "God's Golden Spikes"
- "True Repentance"
- "Promises, Providence, and Purpose"
- "A Badge of Honor"
- "Biblical Mandates about the Government"
- "Conformed or Transformed"
- "Impossible and Illogical"
- "Lord I Believe"
- "Freedom or Obedience?"
- "What Can We Give Him?"
- "Survive or Thrive"
- Christmas Eve
- "A City of..."
- Passively waiting or Activeil walking
- "Extreme Makeover"
- "What Season Are We In"
- UMW Mission Sunday
- "Extra, Extra, Read All About it"